2022 CIMS-CIG Student Travel Bursary
In 2022 two grants of the CIMS-CIG Student Travel Bursary were made owing to the fact that for the past two years, CIG was not able to distribute funds for their graduate-student travel bursary. It was decided to supplement the award this year with an additional $1,000 because of the surplus funds CIG had.
The recipients of the 2022 CIMS-CIG Student Travel Bursary are:
Sadaf Rostami from York University. Ms. Rastami will be in Greece for a summer abroad course offered by York University (HIST 3357 Greece: A Modern History). She is a Political Science major with particular interests in history and language study (Spanish, French, Italian, Farsi).
Farzana Rohit from York University. Ms. Rohit will be in Greece for a summer abroad course offered by York University. She is a third year student pursuing a Human Rights and Equity and Philosophy double major.